Orgie produces the highest quality massage oils with a wide variety of ingredients. These valuable ingredients consist of, for example, hemp seed! The oil which in this case is obtained from hemp seeds is central to one of the oils of the Orgie brand. Orgy massage oils are great for gentle massages of the genital area, a few drops will be enough to generate the delicious spreadable effect. However, Orgie massage oils are not suitable for use as a lubricant, so keep this in mind.
When do you start the massage?
Do you like to massage and are you looking for a suitable oil? Then Orgie will certainly be, or could become, one of your favorite brands! The combination of, among other things, cold-pressed hemp seed oil ensures that a perfect friction is created to be able to use the massage well and, above all, for a long time. The massage oils of the Orgie brand are gradually absorbed by the skin. Because of these natural oils and the long-lasting effect, the Orgie oils will provide much deeper relaxation in the tissues and muscles. In doing so one learns!